ANZSOG and the NRCoP present a new program of ‘facilitated conversations’ on the new challenges of regulating in a pandemic

Express interest in 3 opportunities for regulators from different jurisdictions, sectors and roles to share, compare and draw from what we’ve all learned about regulating in a pandemic

In August, September and October 2020, the first of an ongoing program of free ‘facilitated conversations’ will bring you together with other regulatory managers facing common issues as well as opportunities.

Adam Beaumont will facilitate your frank and deep connection with fellow regulators across Australia and Aotearoa-New Zealand in these unprecedented times.

What’s a ‘facilitated conversation’?

An engaging online discussion around key challenges, during which regulatory practitioners openly share experiences, ideas, views and innovations and learn from each other’s responses to common issues.

What are we trying to achieve?

  • Support regulators from different jurisdictions, sectors and roles to learn directly from and with each other
  • Provide a safe space to openly share ideas, views and learnings on challenging issues
  • Capture key learnings, innovations and insights around the topics for the broader NRCoP

How will discussions work?

  • Independently facilitated by Adam Beaumont, a strategist, facilitator and regulatory consultant, and supported by two co-facilitators from the NRCoP
  • These 90 minute online discussions for up to 25 regulatory professionals will draw directly on participants’ experience around contemporary regulatory topics, in the first instance COVID-19 related, to identify common challenges, learnings and insights
  • Utilising small group Chatham House Rule discussions and real-time participant feedback, discussions will draw out and summarise critical learnings and insights

Event details 

Date: 25 August 2020

Time: 11am - 12.30pm AEST (Melbourne/Sydney/Brisbane/Canberra)

How true is ‘every crisis an opportunity’ in your space?  What opportunities has regulating in times of pandemic provided for testing out bottom drawer ideas, particularly but not exclusively digitalisation and remote inspections? Alternatively, have you discovered the pandemic forced you to cease particular areas of work which have now turned out to be unnecessary or low value?

Read the recap

Date: 22 September 2020 

Time: 11am - 12.30pm AEST (Melbourne/Sydney/Brisbane/Canberra)

How have regulatory workforces for pandemic-related functions been massively increased in a very short space of time? How have authorised officers and other regulatory practitioners been rapidly skilled up and shared between regulators?  What have we learned about ‘surge’ deployment officers joint operations.

Read the recap

Date: 20 October 2020 

Time: 11am - 12.30pm AEDT (Melbourne, Canberra, Sydney)

Rogues and bad actors are always with us, never more so than when opportunities to shirk compliance obligations seem to be available. What have regulators’ experiences been with bad behaviour and how has it been detected and dealt with?

Read the recap

What will be the output of any discussion?

  • ANZSOG will develop a take-away document that will draw out key themes and insights from the discussions
  • To promote open discussion and consistent with Chatham House Rule, the take-away document will not identify participants, their organisations or the details of any examples provided

Who should attend?

  • Mid-to-senior-level managers of regulatory functions in departments and independent regulatory agencies which are corporate members of the NRCoP.
  • The first three conversations are designed specifically for regulators who have needed to lead significant changes in practice during the pandemic. Future conversations will draw on broader challenges for contemporary regulators.

Key points to note:

  • Attendance is free but is exclusive to regulators working in one of the corporate members of the NRCoP.
  • As demand is predicted to exceed the number of places available and the conversations should represent a diversity of voices, you will be asked to complete an expression of interest in the first instance. This will give you an opportunity to provide a short statement of your current level of engagement with the issue being discussed and what you will be able to bring to the conversation.
  • You will be advised by Friday 14 August of the success of your application to participate. If places are not filled, there will be a second application round.
  • You are welcome to express interest in 1, 2 or 3 conversations but each person will only be able to take part in one conversation only over the course of this COVID-19 series
  • To enable break out rooms, the conversations will use the Zoom Meeting platform. We appreciate that some departments may not be supporting the use of Zoom due to previous privacy and security concerns. Please be assured access to the conversations will require a password to protect your security.
  • If you are unable to use Zoom on your work device, please download the free app on your personal device (it is impracticable to attend via mobile phone).
  • People on the waitlist will be appreciative of you notifying us if you are unable to attend as they will then be able to take your place.
  • Please note that latecomers are not able to be admitted and we need you to commit to remaining for the full 90 minutes.