ANZSOG’s CEOs Forum brings together government agency heads from across Aotearoa-New Zealand and Australia to reflect on challenges in their work with the aim of improving organisational practices and performance. The program centres on strategic management techniques and how to apply these in the world of government. The CEOs Forum has been operating annually since 2006.

The annual China Reciprocal Program is the first and only program tailored for CEOs and deputy CEOs (or their equivalents) initiated by the Chinese Government. In 2016, 24 senior Australian and Aotearoa-New Zealand officials took part in the China Reciprocal Program, visiting China to learn about policy, economic and social issues impacting on the nation. The China Reciprocal Program provides an opportunity for the frank exchange of information and ideas, and exposes participants to the challenges facing the Government of China and how it manages them. Participants gain a deeper knowledge of how to engage and do business in China. It is also an opportunity for participants to make high-level, cross-jurisdictional connections. This program has been operating annually since 2013.

For information about either of these programs, please complete the Expression of Interest form.