ANZSOG commissioned artwork for its 2017 Indigenous Affairs and Public Administration Conference by Bigambul artist Jordan Roser.

Jordan Roser is a proud Bigambul man based in Redcliffe, Queensland.

A third-generation artist who endeavours to continue his families legacy in the arts and promotion of his culture through contemporary designs and themes. His work tries to reflect the modern experience and emotions of the new generation of Australian Aboriginal people through colour and storylines.

Here is what he has to say about the artwork commissioned:


"I have tried to capture in this piece the importance of our culture and people to this country, our country. Our peoples journey through time on this land has been guided by the spirits of our ancestors. From the time of creation through to colonisation and now into the present day, our land and lives have changed dramatically.

The constant change and movement that Government policy direction and practices has had on our people and culture has been significant and felt deeply through the generations. It's now been 50 years since Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people were finally recognised as citizens in the Australian constitution rather than flora and fauna. Only 50 years since we weren't considered to be plants or animals in the constitution that was written for this land.

Over time and through many changes and hardship our people have remained strong and our culture has survived even during times that Government policy and practices have attempted to erode it. We can't go back and change these experiences now. We can only recognise the impact of the past on the present and continue moving forward to try to influence change where it is needed.

So, it's time we come together to discuss how we can move forward together in unity and respect. To talk about how things can be done better for and with our people into the future.

Much respect to our elders who will be attending this conference I hope their voices and their wisdom will be heard." - Jordan Roser

To contact Jordan Roser:
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