ANZSOG acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and First Peoples of Australia and Māori, as tangata whenua and Treaty of Waitangi partners in Aotearoa-New Zealand.

The Australia and New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG) is a global leader in education and government-focused research relevant to the public sector.

ANZSOG was created in 2002 by government, for government, with the active collaboration of our partner universities.

We have a deep and genuine commitment to strong public administration, reflecting the aspirations of – and our close relationship with – our government owners.

As a not-for-profit organisation with offices in Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra, Brisbane and Wellington, ANZSOG is uniquely placed to support our government members.

What we do

We have a unique role in providing education and development opportunities for people in the public sector, and a unique mission to create public value by lifting the quality of public sector leadership in Australia and Aotearoa-New Zealand.

  • We educate public sector leaders to improve their skills, capacity and management, and expose them to the best thinking on public administration. 
  • We enrich the discipline of public sector leadership through focused research, which has a practical application and meets the needs of our owner governments. 
  • ANZSOG connects diverse people, cultures, institutions and jurisdictions – it is a meeting place where public sector leaders come together to be inspired, share, learn and debate accepted practice and new ideas. We also connect senior public service practitioners and academic, and provide a bridge between theory and practice. 
  • Ultimately, we inspire public servants to make a positive difference to the lives of people in Australia and Aotearoa-New Zealand. 

Our activities deliver public value through better government and better outcomes for citizens.

How we create value

Developing strategic leadership skills in public sector managers requires a different educational framework to those applying to private sector managers. While business schools teach how to create shareholder value, ANZSOG’s mission is to help public sector managers learn how to create public value.

We support public sector employees to be the best they can be through our world-class education, training, networks and evidence.

We create public value by:

  • Providing tailored education programs to public sector leaders in Australia, Aotearoa-New Zealand and the Asia-Pacific region
  • Promoting innovation and being a community of best practice
  • Conducting research and facilitating discussion on issues important to public sector performance
  • Being thought leaders in the public sector who engage and collaborate with governments and universities
  • Providing advice and consultancy services to our government partners
  • Partnering with governments in the Asia-Pacific region to deliver leadership programs that align with Australian and Aotearoa-New Zealand foreign policy objectives
  • Supporting our alumni to create networks across jurisdictions
  • Helping to build capability in not-for-profit organisations, which deliver services on behalf of government. 

We build the strategic capacity of the public sector through:

Our programs evolve to reflect public administration changes and feedback from our partners and members. 

Our partners

ANZSOG’s success is built on our partnerships.

Our research and educational programs are developed in close collaboration with our 10 government partners and 15 university and business school partners from Australia and Aotearoa-New Zealand. We also have affiliate partners in Asia, the US and the UK.

As well delivering benefits to governments and citizens by enhancing the capability of public sector employees, our partnerships ensure our students have access to the world’s leading academics and senior practitioners from the government and non-government sectors.

Our faculty and fellows bring a global perspective and academic excellence to our teaching, providing a mix of theory and real world experience, which is insightful, relevant and can be quickly applied.

Our international engagement

ANZSOG delivers innovative international programs to support our partner governments in Australia and Aotearoa-New Zealand as they increase their engagement in the Indo-Pacific region.

Our international programs bring greater understanding, awareness and shared learnings between Australia, Aotearoa-New Zealand and our Asian partners. It equips public sector leaders with the capabilities and knowledge to engage more effectively with the Indo-Pacific region while supporting them to make high-level connections across jurisdictions.

We deliver training for foreign officials in partnership with all jurisdictions and international governments, to ensure our region’s senior public-sector leaders receive the best possible training in management and leadership.

Corporate publications

Find our about our current programs, research priorities and how we create value on our Corporate publications page.